
American Widgeon

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Love taking pictures

Today was an "up and at 'em early" day! I hit Ridgefield Wildlife Refuge before 7 a.m. this morning and stayed until about noon! Great light for pictures!!!

This is a Cinnamon Teal Drake and he was real sharp looking in the morning sun.
This guy was doing barrel rolls taking a bath. The one thing I love about photography versus hunting is I get a lot more time snapping pictures to observe. You would be amazed at some of the things you can witness -->
Breakfast anyone? This piece of water/marsh is a consistant place for me to find Herons.
And here is another Cinnamon Teal Drake - I really saw quite a few of them today. Beautiful birds.

I'll add more later. What a great day and I get to try it again tomorrow morning too.

Til next time...

Monday, April 18, 2011

one of 'those' days

You know the type of day...unmotivated, dearly needing to be but just can't muster up the focus. Ugh. Just brewed a pot of Dunkin Donuts coffee - yes it is 11 a.m. but I skipped it this morning and while this isn't the reason I'm sluggish, it can't hurt.

So, I'm donating blood once per week for my Hemochromatosis. After four sessions I think it is catching up to me. Honestly, I felt pretty good physically prior to giving blood. Workouts were good, I had energy and my mood was markedly better. Nothing has changed in my world outside of blood letting once per week. I really dislike being a whiner but I caught myself last night whining about not feeling good. I felt so blah I was in bed by 8:30 I think.

I have another appointment tomorrow and then 4 more before leaving for Vegas/Utah/Arizona for 7 days (Yeah!) I'll miss two donation appointments and I'll be very curious to see if I rebound any in that time. I'm even more curious to learn how I'll be feeling between now and the time Lynnell and I leave.

Okay, now for a brighter note - spent the day with Lynnell and her girls (Tici and Deza) yesterday. We did a little retail therapy. Shoes for Deza, Lynnell (3) and me (2). I think we single-handely helped Merrell's monthly bottom line. LOVE their shoes! I even picked up a shirt there for the trip (okay, it was a gift from Lynnell.) Oh and the shirt I got her from White House/Black Market (??) looked amazing on her. Red is certainly her color. When she hesitated at spending what the price tag said, I popped right up and said that looks to good on you to not get it. Anyway, it was a good day followed up with PF Changs for dinner. Yum.

Columbia Sportwear has some fun looking tent-pole backpacks. Lynnell picked up one for our trip to Utah. I'll be very curious on how it works.

Work is busy, my staff is buzzing around at the screen print shop. A set-back on Hevi-Shot is a learning experience for me and the staff. We'll have it up and running by end of week I'm sure. This is one project where the larger press would come in very handy!

Okay, 1.5 cups of coffee down and while I may have a tad more zip, I still have no motivation. I sure hope I'm not coming down with a bug (doubt it but what do I know right?!?!)

Lynnell is home and I'll leave pretty soon for home to hang out with her. Her "go-live" this month has tired her out pretty good and kept her fairly pre-occupied. I would love nothing more than to sweep her off to someplace sunny, with a beach and a fruity drink for a couple of days...however, warm will have to wait for Vegas/Utah/Arizona.

I am really looking forward to Arches. I'm sure I'll take a ton of pictures! And being there with Lynnell on her Birthday will be wonderful.

Til next time...

p.s. My friend Cory just hit me with this article about former Winterhawks coach Brent Peterson. Time to get my butt in gear and pick up the pace! Great article and thanks Cory...perfect timing.

Friday, April 15, 2011

another first...

This feels wierd a bit. I mean, I've written lots of things in my life - even some journals - but never a blog.

What has gotten into me? Why a blog...? Good question. I'm inspired, partly, by Lynnell who has a blog and writes so beautifully. And partly by the fact that I will have to blog for work and that'll have to be pretty vanilla - and I'm more chocolate with chocolate chips added. So, here I am feeling my way through it all...much like wandering in the dark from the bathroom back to bed at 3:30 in the morning.

So many things to write...but lost as to where to start. I could start off with my "renter" situation that currently has me peeved. Or, I could write about work and how "tired" I am of "things." Then again, I could write about my love of photography and how much I've missed it lately. I could also write about my love and future, Lynnell. Simply stated, she's changed my life for the better and I will always be grateful and will always feel the butterflys around her. Or, how I have some great kids who keep me young - yet still seem to contribute to my gray hair :-).

I think with this first post, I'll write about my Mom. We lost her February 12 of this year. She had only just turned 65 and had retired. My gut feeling is her body realized she didn't have to get up and go to work anymore and decided it was done.

Emphysema is what took her in the end. It was incredibly sad to witness her lying in bed at the hospital for the four days I was there. With the whole family there (Dad, Matt & Chris, their wives and Lynnell), there were lots of tears and laughs and of course stories. From Mom hollering for us with her patened Woo-Hooo to the "look" when you were in trouble to her lasagne and huge garden in Yankton...good times.

I think of her often. I think of Dad on the Pennisula, alone in the house, missing her. It is a big change for him but I'm proud of him--he seems to be holding his own (I think he's got great friends at the beach who help him!)

The other day, Wednesday I think, driving home I had an incredibly sad moment. I had 'had a day' and was going call Mom to chat, as I did from time to time in situations like these. I picked the phone and just then realized she wasn't there to call. It was a lonely moment...However, instead of pissing and moaning about it I just called Dad and had a good short conversation. I don't know what I'll do when he is gone...but I'm not thinking that way today. I am very thankful I still have one of my parents with me.

Okay, from what I understand a blog is short, quick thoughts and I certainly feel like I've written a short book in this first attempt. I'm sure I'll be here often...then again, maybe not.

My gut is I'll be here talking about life, family and hopefully a lot of photography.

Til next time...Jay